Underground Writers Network : Forum : Ghost Stories: Scare us S***le..

Ghost Stories: Scare us S***less!

17 Years Ago

Can you post a synopsis of dghost stories from your area here, and I'll try to write a poem on them.

Let them be real, not makey up ones. The more obscure the better. Im hoping to write about 100 poems on ghost stories, and I've about 20 of my own.

It can be set anywhere in the world.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I guess you're wanting local legend type of stuff. Check out this link for the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
In Fayetteville there is a ghost story that gets passed down. Up past the old Confederate Cemetary you will come to a gate. No Tresspassing signs are posted all around. Beyond that gate, where the general public cannot see it, is where the Walker ghost roams. On her wedding night, Mrs. Walker somehow managed, though I'm not entirely sure how, to catch her wedding dress on fire. She ran from the house into the woods screaming but the smoke and flame killed her before her husband could catch her and put out the flames. It is said that on certain nights you can still hear her screaming in the woods.
The Prairie Grove Civil War Battlefield Park is supposedly haunted as well. When reenactments take place people have said they could hear horses on the trail when there were no horses around. Other accounts from women claim that a figure of a man will be on the path in front of them but you can see straight through him.
I'm sure there are more local ghost legends than that for my small corner of the world but I hope this gives you some good ideas for your writing.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Thanks for the tip off. Ill get something together!!!