Warriors Of Heart : Forum : A warriors cause

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A warriors cause

17 Years Ago

Been thinking alot about this lately and I figured I'd get the groups points of view.
Is it a warriors cause to kill, destroy and solely wage wage?
Or is the warriors cause rather to make his services no longer needed by bringing peace? You all let me know your points on this matter please.

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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

ummm.. lets see.. this one is very hard.. i dont think it is the job of a warrior to just destroy. but to bring peace. well i hope it is. if not then my views and belives are all in vain.

I think the first warrior was to bring peace and protect the people. now days they are kind of like toys for the big wigs. Warriors all have a place and a need. sometimes people forget what that is and that is why we are all screwed up.

in the end i realy dont know. just kind of writing as i think.. something i usaly dont do but yeah.. umm...
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[no subject]

17 Years Ago

It does seem like now and days. "Big wigs" just seem to be moving us around like a kid with "Little Green Army Men"

But i think a "Marine, Soldier,Sailor, Or Airmen" like a police officer is to serve and protect. just on a higher lvl. But our job isnt to police/Rather eliminate, the more hostile threats.