What People Say : Forum : Addiction


8 Years Ago

"Your life is the manifestation of your dream. Humans resist life. To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive and express what we are."~ Don Miguel Ruiz, M.D.

Re: Addiction

8 Years Ago

("...nice quote and thanks for sharing it too..." went the goblin breaking the ice and seeing if he could relate something toward to topic of addiction here, adding "...give me another afterwards, the more you write the more my mind is fed by it...")

repost from elsewhere

It is also worth pointing out that one of the earliest known markers for mental health problems that is common to most severe mental health issues is that of self medication (aka substance abuse, either legal or otherwise)

"...perhaps then..." said the goblin "...it had something to do with the fact that all those drugs which normally work for the rest of us, such as alcohol, cigarettes, internet, television, shopping and football, were no longer having their desired effect on those people who had grown disfunctional here, hence their turning to self medication to fill the void left by it...", somehow the goblin felt that most people were borderline in fact, and that they would probably become as equally disfuctional as the others if their addictions were withdrawn from them, saying "...well, what with sedatives to relax us, stimulants to excite us, and distractions to give us temporary escape, somehow we actually manage to get through each dreary day doing societies bidding..."