Why Do We Keep Needing To Lose Weight : Forum : Finding The Motivation to Lose..

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Finding The Motivation to Lose Weight

9 Years Ago

Losing weight is not for whimps.In fact, changing a lifetime of eating and activity related habits may be the toughest thing you ever do. But believe me, it is worth the effort.Hi. My name is Ron Taylor, and like many of you, I have dealt with weight challenges my entire adult life.After trying virtually every diet imaginable, I finally found a diet I could stick with, and one that worked for me. But this article is not about my diet plan. Instead, I want to talk to you about finding the motivation to do whatever it takes to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.The shocking truth about weight loss that I finally discovered was the simple fact that until your desire to lose weight exceeds your desire to eat the wrong foods and lead a sedentary lifestyle, no diet will ever work for you.However, on a happier note, once you find the motivation to lose weight, finding and sticking with a sensible diet that works for you will be a cinch. Because you see, your desire to lead a healthier lifestyle and to lose weight must precede any attempt to find and stick with a diet.I came to terms with my weight challenges and resolved to change my lifestyle when I discovered how my weight was impacting my health. Being overweight affects more than just our looks, it also dramatically increases our risk for diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and cancer, among a bunch of other health issues.Simply put, our weight challenges are killing us.I work with a woman who is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but since her first pregnancy over 20 years ago, she has carried over 50 pounds in excess weight. Just yesterday she told she needed knee surgery. According to her, the doctor blamed her knee pain on weight.In another personal example of how weight impacts our health, my father passed away several years ago from liver cancer. He was not a drinker, but his poor heart health made it impossible to receive the lifesaving surgery he needed years before the cancer finally claimed his life. Like my friend above, the doctor blamed his heart condition on poor dieting and lack of exercise.