With Your Head In The Clouds : Forum : Introduce Yourself!

Introduce Yourself!

16 Years Ago

As you can obviously see this is the thread where you can tell us a little about yourself.  Anything from your likes to your hometown, from your writing style to what passion makes your head drift among the clouds.

We are your fellow dreamers, share yourself with us!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Okay I'll start.

Hello! I go by Arec which I use as my penname/nickname. It isn't my first name but technically still part of my name since it is composed of my initials.

I really don't have a certain style. I tend to just type and then go back and fix it all later. I always tend to misuse commas (tricky b******s).

My passion is ...well...romance and fantasy. I am always thinking about magic and the unknown  so that I am always in my own little world. What can I say? I love nothing more than the fantasy of my own mind.


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I'm Hannah. I like writing my name with an exclamation point because Hannah is a popular name, but I don't know many Hannah!s. They are just not as common.

I like to write pretty much everything, although I shy away from poetry because my poetry is not usually very good. I love the rules of the English language, and I am a very cheerful person. And that is all I have to say about myself.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hi, I'm Matt.

I write poems.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hey, I'm Tiffany. Mostly called Tiff. Most of the time I can't finish books, I have like 7 that are not finished. I guess my style is Sci-Fi, and Fantasy. (Ooo, I have a GREAT Idea for a new book...story...err...ya!) There I go again, i tend to do that. Music plays a big part in my writing, I have to have somthing in my ears to zone out. I can zone out into a good book really good. Image the t.v. blarrring, and my bro' music blasting from upstairs, yep can zone out like ***That***.  I tend to get carried away when writting or reading, I show the facical expressions the people make, I know creepy.  Also somstorylines of my books I don't show my family, or least not my mom, I don't know I want to show mom, but then i tell her about the chararecter,and well shes nice about it. I love her. Soooo, I show my dad, and hes amazed I can make things up like that, okay, See ya!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I'm Lady.Twi which stands for Lady Twilight. I'm currently trying to come up with a good pen name and would like to shed my real name for book covers. I'm young and ambitious and write too much for my own health. I'm working on a couple projects right now including "Aboard the Lady Darkness" which is a pirate story and "Shades of Twilight" which is still in the planning process. If anyone wants to talk, I'll probably tell more about me through a message. Cheers,


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

*laughs* I am in the same position! I write so much I get in trouble for it. There is just way too many ideas and not even time (or paper!).