Writing For Life : Forum : Welcome!


17 Years Ago


Welcome to Writing for Life! Let's share our work and support each other. I'm Vicky and love to write, it's helped me through tough times and happy times. There are words for everything; you never have to silence yourself.

Vicky XXX

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17 Years Ago

Hi I'm Catrina. I've had a rough and varied life. My one constant was my writing. I write mostly to vent. Although I have happy poems. If not for the pen and paper, I'd be lost.

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17 Years Ago

I don't know where I would be without a pen and paper!


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16 Years Ago

Hi, I'm Genie. Creativity saved and changed my life, so I am looking forward to being part of this group. Thanks for being here!



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16 Years Ago

Thank you for joining.

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16 Years Ago

I am Elaine. I am healing and writing to heal. I was sexually abused as a child so I started writing a book I call Philosophical Erotica about three years ago. It got long(300,000 words LOL) ... so I am thinking series... if I can publish. I also started writing poetry based upon my meditations during yoga. I follow the healthy mind/healthy body philosophy. So basically... I am writing for a good portion of my day now. I love it. It is liberating.
