Courtney Elizabeth : Writing

Life With Him

Life With Him

A Story by Courtney Elizabeth

Someone very special to me once told me that he would love me until the day he dies. Life is a challenge. You just have to learn to get through the ob..
Light After Death

Light After Death

A Story by Courtney Elizabeth

will you face your greatest fears as brightly and move forward with faith or will u become to the darkness in your soul
I'll Always Remember

I\'ll Always Remember

A Poem by Courtney Elizabeth

As I stand there, in the room filled with tears, I think to myself, " Is this for real? Is it really happening?" I sigh as I watch my cla..


A Story by Courtney Elizabeth

I walk through the halls at Madison Junior High. I speak to no one. I look at no one. I think of no one...besides Her. I think of how she used to walk..
Pain, Hurt, and Agony

Pain, Hurt, and Agony

A Story by Courtney Elizabeth

I know I didn't know her as well as I should have. I knew her enough, to feel the pain, the hurt, the agony. I think to myself. Why can't I just take ..
Here It Comes.....

Here It Comes.....

A Poem by Courtney Elizabeth

I think about that night. The night of the phone call. I hear her voice and think to myself... it's nothing. It was something. I blame myself. Wi..
): Liz Clark :(

): Liz Clark :(

A Story by Courtney Elizabeth

Helpless, loss, and pain run through my body. I feel like breaking down and crying. Thinking of her. I walk down what seem like empty halls. Knowing ..


A Story by Courtney Elizabeth

I think to myself, about him.How he broke my heart the first time... now I was risking another.Was I making the right choice?Is it a mistake I shall b..

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