idiotproof--1 : Writing

before the storm

before the storm

A Poem by idiotproof--1

I was inspired by rain to write something and this is what happened
sharper than knives

sharper than knives

A Poem by idiotproof--1

the second poem wrote for the verbal abuse contest
speaking death

speaking death

A Poem by idiotproof--1

for a contest about verbal abuse
Letting Go

Letting Go

A Poem by idiotproof--1

for a description of this poem read the poem
real pain

real pain

A Poem by idiotproof--1

wrote for a contest
signs of fall

signs of fall

A Poem by idiotproof--1

this is the fall poem to go along with the winter one I wrote earlier
winters queen

winters queen

A Poem by idiotproof--1

I made a contest about the seasons which inspired me to write my own poems for the seasons


A Poem by idiotproof--1

my first try at a love poem


A Poem by idiotproof--1

inspired by smaug's song by karliene
I can see it

I can see it

A Poem by idiotproof--1

I wanted to write for a while but couldn't think of anything finally I just decided to write out whatever came to mind and it was this