Indra Neil : Writing

haiku #2

haiku #2

A Poem by Indra Neil

springcarries messengers -dandelions
haiku #1

haiku #1

A Poem by Indra Neil

haiku inspired by 'patience'
The Devil's Clones

The Devil's Clones

A Poem by Indra Neil

Gone are those days when luringhumans was a tedious task;Times have changed, human minds evolved,Behold! our brand ambassadors incorporatedwith DNA of..
Secondhand Mankind

Secondhand Mankind

A Poem by Indra Neil

an allegoric brevity brimming with alliteration
A Sonata Of Nostalgia

A Sonata Of Nostalgia

A Poem by Indra Neil

Inspired by the Music - Kiss the Rain by Yiruma.
He Saw the Sun

He Saw the Sun

A Poem by Indra Neil

About the life of an orphan child beggar on the street
senryu / haiku

senryu / haiku

A Poem by Indra Neil

a layered haiku / senryu of 10 syllables
The 'Silent' Spectator

The 'Silent' Spectator

A Poem by Indra Neil

A take on those silent spectators who are indifferent to injustice and plight in the society.
Clean and Green!

Clean and Green!

A Poem by Indra Neil

an important message to the Public
Think Before you Clink!

Think Before you Clink!

A Poem by Indra Neil

Staggering and stammering I arrivesmall simple steps but still I striveIn my confused and inebriated statecame to my home very lateEagerly waiting is ..