insanity : Writing

King of the Night

King of the Night

A Poem by insanity

This shares a bit of a common thread with one of my earlier poems, Sinister in that the endings are rather similar.


A Poem by insanity

Even natures most beautiful and innocent creations are not free from judgment.
Learning to Fly

Learning to Fly

A Poem by insanity

Love without fear can be a magical thing, though few ever truly grasp this.
She digs the graves

She digs the graves

A Poem by insanity

The story of an old woman and her money, it was loosely inspired by Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin.
Caught in Between

Caught in Between

A Poem by insanity

I am caught in between Man and machine A slave to the device As we splice Metal to gene It's time to come clean To end this routin..
The Mist

The Mist

A Poem by insanity

After watching the movie which shares the same name as this poem it gave me some inspiration to take the 'Mist' concept in another direction
Invisible Sun

Invisible Sun

A Poem by insanity

Peace is an illusion Hidden by confusion The ideology is old The war has gone cold The ship of free thinking Is slowly sinkin..
Tick Tock

Tick Tock

A Poem by insanity

This was inspired by a comment I made to someone yesterday, saying that it's rather interesting how we let a clock/time rule our lives and tell us wha..


A Poem by insanity

I wrote this one on July 4, 2008 after reflecting on what happened on that day 232 years prior.
The Lonesome Road

The Lonesome Road

A Poem by insanity

Along the road of life, you sometimes have to go it alone.