Jack Worthington : Writing

A Word of Advice

A Word of Advice

A Poem by Jack Worthington

Whatever you do, don't believe in yourself They say this is the key to happiness and wealth But if you tread this path, or ease into this warm bath,..
Paul the Bureaucrat

Paul the Bureaucrat

A Poem by Jack Worthington

He stood on a railway platform to the city Squinting through his glasses waiting for the train His wife at home, an unwatered plant no longer pretty..
Newhall Pass

Newhall Pass

A Poem by Jack Worthington

As I escape from a latin flavor I merge to the left to avoid the truck lanes Over the hill a new life to savor Away from the smog and lame. I hi..


A Poem by Jack Worthington

war of course
The Bungalow

The Bungalow

A Poem by Jack Worthington

It was an age of innocence A fleeting moment in time When hearts felt so sublime Soon our hearts would be jaded, hardened by circumstance. The s..
The Towers

The Towers

A Poem by Jack Worthington

Rolling down the road in a silver Ford I spy on the soldiers along the road One by one they line in formation, as if a subliminal confirmation That..
The Gate

The Gate

A Poem by Jack Worthington

One late afternoon I walked by a church The saints long buried and returned to the earth Their peace, now broken, posterity's token, has given birth..
A Cafe' on Rosecrans

A Cafe\' on Rosecrans

A Poem by Jack Worthington

Years ago, in the twilight of my youth A place emerged at the bottom of a hill This well worn refuge from the chill At a table I sat uncouth. I ..
Tell Me What's Real

Tell Me What\'s Real

A Poem by Jack Worthington

Tell me what's real, I need to know For what purpose I don't know, perhaps to grow, but who knows I remember that town, an arid place, where only pe..
Our Golden West

Our Golden West

A Poem by Jack Worthington

Our golden west Where dreams of our fathers lay The yellow and grey pictures from by the bay So long ago, people at their best, envied by the rest,..