Written Wolf : Writing

2. Richard

2. Richard

A Chapter by Written Wolf

2. Richard The snow swirled around my window dotting little flecks of white on the pane. My breath left no mark on the freezing glass as it once did..
3. Zeik

3. Zeik

A Chapter by Written Wolf

The ride home on the bus was pure torture. She, sat a few seats away and each time the bus stopped, her scent was thrown up to the front seats making..
4. Baldric

4. Baldric

A Chapter by Written Wolf

I watched as the kids filed onto the buses. On one I watched as the new girl, Callign, climbed on closely followed by Ezekiel and Richard. It was no..
5. Callign

5. Callign

A Chapter by Written Wolf

I could smell the cigarette smoke before I set foot in the house, and my mothers pathetic giggles filled the air. I rolled my eyes and walked to the..
6. Zeik

6. Zeik

A Chapter by Written Wolf

The clock in the living room showed 7:30. The cold of the night still held tight to me as though a long lost lover. I hated to leave my family and t..
7. Callign

7. Callign

A Chapter by Written Wolf

I stood in the hall and waited as Zeik closed the door. "So where exactly are we going to be shooting?" I inquired. "We have a sun ..
8. Richard

8. Richard

A Chapter by Written Wolf

I didn’t relish the idea of going back to the wolves den, but I could feel the radiating heat of her anger across town, the others did as well..
9. Callign

9. Callign

A Chapter by Written Wolf

I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted. It wasn't until I was Half dressed that I remembered Richard was going to pick me up. I glanced quickl..
10. Zeik

10. Zeik

A Chapter by Written Wolf

I wasn't sure how I was going to tell Callign who she really was and what she meant to the children of Night, but I knew I had to or she could get h..
11. Baldric

11. Baldric

A Chapter by Written Wolf

“Yeah Jonny was always the one with an active imagination. I’ll see you later.” The wolf watched her for a minute, never noticing I ..