The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...

Jetta Zippora : Writing

The Cloud Earring

The Cloud Earring

A Book by Jetta Zippora

A thrilling and dramatic comedic tale of a guy and his friend trying to rescue a girl they know nothing about. But her situation is more ridiculous th..
Locked In My Heart

Locked In My Heart

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

Sometimes all we feel is pain. We try to hide it. We try to hold it in. But inevitably we will scream for release.
When Elves Sing

When Elves Sing

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

When Elves singThe toughest of Men cryThe troubled children smileThe wounded stand highWhen Elves singBoth sides of war stop to listenFire dies on its..
So Long Childhood

So Long Childhood

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

Sad goodbye to being a kid. Growing up is hard and sometimes I wish I could be little forever.
The First Kiss

The First Kiss

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

Start of an inner blazeA spark singeing an arteryFire has never felt so grandElectricity never stung so longNow it breaks all conventionsFor ten secon..
Sugared Skin

Sugared Skin

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

Metaphors throughout. More mature than you may think.
The Best At Being Me

The Best At Being Me

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

Personal, but anyone can relate to this when they feel like average, unworthy people. Some days we all feel down and pathetic. Let this cheer your sou..
Dancing On Her Own

Dancing On Her Own

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

I love to dance my own moves for fun and pleasure. I'm not a pro at dancing but it makes me so happy when I do. This is about my love for dancing my o..
The Art Of Flirting

The Art Of Flirting

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

Well it should be obvious
I Wish I Had Reason

I Wish I Had Reason

A Poem by Jetta Zippora

Interpret how you want.