J.A. Stevens : Writing

Kahlua Smoothie

Kahlua Smoothie

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

short verse


A Poem by J.A. Stevens

Why do good women always seem to like bad boys
Home Again

Home Again

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

not all casualties come home in body bags


A Poem by J.A. Stevens

I lived today
Victim of Ignorance

Victim of Ignorance

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

honoring the warrior's sacrifice
God’s Precious Gifts

God’s Precious Gifts

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

Who are we to deserve the majesty of God's beauty
When He Walked

When He Walked

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

20 line poem about the sacrifices of our savior
The Friendship Prayer

The Friendship Prayer

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

A Burns Stanza or Standard Habbie Poem I Wrote as an Homage to my Great Friends
Our Ifs, Ands or Buts

Our Ifs, Ands or Buts

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

a tale of crisis
Through My Eyes

Through My Eyes

A Poem by J.A. Stevens

if she only knew