Jon Roggie : Writing

Why was I chosen?

Why was I chosen?

A Poem by Jon Roggie

What?No... No...No!How? How do you think I could do this?CompassionMy time was done!Now you are asking me to take those I left!How am I supposed to do..
Excuse my shades

Excuse my shades

A Poem by Jon Roggie

The one thing I can't hide.I can control my body language.I can manage the tone of my voice.Not like it comes without a toll.Still, I can use a simple..
Trying to catch a dream

Trying to catch a dream

A Poem by Jon Roggie

I know this is going to come back and bite me.I just can't seem to bring it back.Compilation of little tales around, tend to come clear while I sleep...
Time to go Old School

Time to go Old School

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Twice in a day is enough.To create, and see it vanish.Back to the pen, and the blank sheet.
Moving slow...

Moving slow...

A Poem by Jon Roggie

"Where is it! We need...."Here you go."What about..."Set up."and if..."Raise an eyebrow.Nice to move slow.
Started by giving a smile

Started by giving a smile

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Not that hard.Quick quip, startle a smile.Easy hand of comfort.Listen to the days.Pull the blanket around....
Pebbles in the stream

Pebbles in the stream

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Even as a child, you took right to it.Playing in the stream, watching the sandbed change with each pebble you moved.No longer a child, but also, no lo..
I guess my name is "tortoise".

I guess my name is "tortoise".

A Poem by Jon Roggie

After a stunning response, "Thanks, Princess!",I had to choose.Not only a name, but a name of a creature in a beautiful garden.One, a pixie, or a flut..
For the Pixie, and the Princess

For the Pixie, and the Princess

A Poem by Jon Roggie

I should have known this would happen.Handing out a name,here and there.Remember, I grew up with the stories, ranging from Homer to Poe.Stumbled acros..
Call me Jon

Call me Jon

A Poem by Jon Roggie

Something is starting to annoy me. If, I have the privilege to experience your words, We are equals. I want no titles, only to have a hones..