The Devil's Own B***h : Writing

Stop. Rewind. Play.

Stop. Rewind. Play.

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

Press rewind, Take me back to that moment. I need to know What would’ve happened If this had been said; What would’ve happened If th..
One Step Away

One Step Away

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

I was one step from Redemption, So I took two steps backwards, Away from the door. I began to free-fall. I felt weightless, Hallow, Almost dead..
It's Raining Again

It\'s Raining Again

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

There’s a dark cloud over my head. Looks like it’s raining again. The tears tolling down my face seem Seem to know no end. It’s ..
Our Suicide

Our Suicide

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

Standing at the altar I know who the sacrifice will be. Yes, my love your blood will spill, And next will be me. But first we’ll light the..
I Stalk You (Because I Love You)

I Stalk You (Because I Love You)

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

I follow you around everywhere. Why? Because I need to. I have to see your face; Have to feel you near. I just watch you, Stare at you From acr..
My Surrender

My Surrender

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

I give up. I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for! I went into battle with myself Over you, And to this day, I don’t know who wo..
Chronicles of Confusion 2

Chronicles of Confusion 2

A Story by The Devil's Own B***h

Chronicles of Confusion 2 And so the confusion continues. Friday night (3rd October) I had to help out making coffee/tea for our community theatre..
Chronicles of Confusion

Chronicles of Confusion

A Story by The Devil's Own B***h

I will wait till the end of time to decide whether he wants me or not...
Love's Violent Tune

Love\'s Violent Tune

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

I want to block it out!
Behind Blue Eyes

Behind Blue Eyes

A Poem by The Devil's Own B***h

I often wonder...

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