Lunar Lightning : Writing

So Much

So Much

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

You have so much to learn New to this world and blind to its dangers So small and helpless Too fragile to let you free I'll watch you grow and lea..
Never Forget

Never Forget

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

Although you may forget me And you may pass me without a second glance Somehow I know if you heard my voice Your heart would ache with my memory I..
Don't Fall

Don't Fall

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

Come on now Lets be realistic I know you can't resist She is just so perfect she's hard to avoid Haunting your dreams Stalking you as you go abou..
Inevitable Darkness

Inevitable Darkness

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

I can't help but pity those around me Living in shining fairy tales They lay in bed with lies floating around their minds Dreams of things they tru..


A Poem by Lunar Lightning

We find beauty in the strangest of places In simle places and simple things This beauty gives us hope for this world Despite its obviousand several..


A Poem by Lunar Lightning

The sun is sure to shine again Just as these roses are sure to die again As a show of death following life Most things here on earth are sure to en..
Simplicity Devine

Simplicity Devine

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

What do you see when you see a rose Simply a flower A symbol of love Or do you look a little deeper Do you see the reaching thorns Keeping gaurd ..
Dad, I Love You

Dad, I Love You

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

I used to be your favorite Though Iknow it wasn't fair You used to tell me everything But now you've got me scared I fear thaat you are drifting..
Eternally a Child

Eternally a Child

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

You look the part of an adult Save for your juvinile dress Yet no matter how old you get You cannot play the part Would it kill you to at least ..
7 Deadly Sins

7 Deadly Sins

A Poem by Lunar Lightning

We all know someone with everything Envy Someone we wish we could be We all enjoy bragging and showing off Pride The secret love for ourselves,..