Galldora King : Writing

A Little Love

A Little Love

A Story by Galldora King

A Little Love It happened when no one was around. Just me and him and the little roof that covered our heads. His breath was upon my shoulder and i c..
The Tears that Fell

The Tears that Fell

A Story by Galldora King

The tears that fell. One two three four. On and on they went. They never stopped. But shetried. Theykept dropping. One two three four. Onand on..
The Unseen Ways

The Unseen Ways

A Story by Galldora King

"The Deep Blue about it!!"I said. Laughing at the simple unoriginality of the title. "No no its good. You just have Make it ori..
Another Day

Another Day

A Story by Galldora King

A journal entry from Angie: Today Dear Diary, Ha! I made it. The summer is over. The sun is bright and shinning and I can't wait. A summer fil..
Mystery Seance

Mystery Seance

A Poem by Galldora King

Its not scary. Well barley maybe a bit wierd. I dont know what genre this belongs to so im just putting it in horror.
Mother Earth

Mother Earth

A Story by Galldora King

The Earth Inside. The earth that was years ago.The one we miss. The one that we cant get back. The one we try to live without. Yet there is hope. For..


A Story by Galldora King

A description of the moon: Whenever I think of the midnight blue this picture comes to my head.
A Perfect Dream

A Perfect Dream

A Story by Galldora King

This may not sound real.And i think its a bit confusing but whatever.

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