mikeccc : Writing

a big forest

a big forest

A Poem by mikeccc

Dam treesAnd crooked pathsI've walked feetBut it feels like milesThe sun is obscuredAnd God knows whereThe exit isBut I wander onwardsOccasionally I s..
impotent rage

impotent rage

A Poem by mikeccc

just some stuff
a day in the life of a scavenger

a day in the life of a scavenger

A Poem by mikeccc

a poem from the perspective of someone looking for things several years after the end of the world.
matters of the heart

matters of the heart

A Poem by mikeccc

a love poem.
it's hard to say

it's hard to say

A Poem by mikeccc

this is for that right and wrong contest
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
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Maple leaves and hockey

Maple leaves and hockey

A Poem by mikeccc

a poem about Canada. Which i know very little about
The world eater

The world eater

A Poem by mikeccc

A poem (kinda) about Ouroboros a large snake from viking lore or some such that eats itself and circles the globe.
not really here at all

not really here at all

A Poem by mikeccc

a poem about a ghost
just for show

just for show

A Poem by mikeccc

a poem about winged people.
giant scaly monsters.

giant scaly monsters.

A Poem by mikeccc

interesting creatures dragons