hanzabonanza : Writing

A Modern Myth

A Modern Myth

A Poem by hanzabonanza

Woman on the outside Goddess on the inside Rules with her smile Commands with bare hands In an ordinary urban world She bea..
The Benefits of Volcanoes

The Benefits of Volcanoes

A Poem by hanzabonanza

When the ash came The sky cleared To a violent electric blue. No airplane lines To scar its perfection The world forced t..
Laughter and Tears

Laughter and Tears

A Poem by hanzabonanza

I made you laugh today Til tears ran and belly ached Your glistening eyes glowed And skin shone radiant You threw your head in joy..


A Poem by hanzabonanza

easter one
Receiving you loud and clearly

Receiving you loud and clearly

A Poem by hanzabonanza

easter one.... written when I was drunk and angry... not sure if it makes for good results..
Under the surface

Under the surface

A Poem by hanzabonanza

easter one again... a bit weird
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

A Poem by hanzabonanza

written over Easter
Home but not Home

Home but not Home

A Poem by hanzabonanza

new one written over easter...a tad sentimental/nostalgic?
30th July 1995

30th July 1995

A Poem by hanzabonanza

New one written over Easter
Black Magic Woman

Black Magic Woman

A Poem by hanzabonanza

Under Alexander Virakov....I think