Nancy Lee Shrader : Writing



A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

His Eyes HE His eyes Never seem to sleep Opened the window to my soul Sweet Savior He saw my face while on the Cross Knew me before I ..


A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

Raven Raven Speaks of dying breath In dark graveyards she sings her song Caw Caw Caw Come to me all dead and dying I’m the steal..
The Other Side of Midnight

The Other Side of Midnight

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

The Other Side of Midnight The other side of midnight Grandma told this little tale About vampires and werewolves And she wasn’t d..
Little Red-Haired Girl

Little Red-Haired Girl

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

Little Red-Haired Girl In my third grade classroom She sits by the window close to the door I sit way in the back, so far away As I watch th..
Wedding Feast

Wedding Feast

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

Wedding Feast Vampire Stalks the darkest night Lusting for his blood wedding feast Fangs sink deep Her vein pulses with ecstasy He has claim..
Lady Autumn

Lady Autumn

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

Lady Autumn Lady Autumn’s dance Sends leaves swirling all around Leaving naked trees
Autumn Dance

Autumn Dance

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

Autumn Dance On the autumn breeze Leaves dance in colorful style Singing winter comes
Dandelion Dance

Dandelion Dance

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

Dandelion Dance Dandelions dancing Tosses hair into the wind Many offspring bloom


A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

Shattered My heart seems to made of glass Sparkling to the eye, but cold to the touch I walk aimlessly through time Catching moments of ecst..
Waves Crashing

Waves Crashing

A Poem by Nancy Lee Shrader

A Waltz Wave using these Words. waves die sense ideas wheeling clouds earth distance sat away