Norman T : Writing

Bespoke English

Bespoke English

A Poem by Norman T

Only slightly rude - not crude or vulgar
Art- The bare facts

Art- The bare facts

A Poem by Norman T

A multi-limerick
The Craftsman

The Craftsman

A Story by Norman T

THE CRAFTSMAN Waves frothed over the shingle, the liquid hiss creating a counterpoint with the percussive chatter of the stones as the water ..
Forget the toothbrush if you like - but not your dressing gown.

Forget the toothbrush if you like - but not your d..

A Poem by Norman T

My recent actual experience. No exaggeration.


A Story by Norman T

Fear comes in many guises.
Verily non-PC

Verily non-PC

A Poem by Norman T

Why do they always say Amen in church? Does it just mean that one concurs.? Or is it female gender they wish to besmirch? For they only sing..
Time -  the enigma

Time - the enigma

A Poem by Norman T

Time is…..Past, Present, Future, Forever. We say it’s of the essence - yet where’s it’s taste or smell? There are han..


A Poem by Norman T

If you're travelling abroad and you cannot affordthe time or the cost of a cruiseAnd being seasick round Biscay is considered too risky,then flyin..


A Story by Norman T

God ! It's cold, but I have to wear this regulation clothing, which is not designed for these temperatures. Six of us have been selected and we are fo..
Somewhere in the Cotswolds

Somewhere in the Cotswolds

A Poem by Norman T

Memories of an abandoned Church visited during a walking holiday.

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