Pamela A. Lamppa : Writing

Unraveled Revelations

Unraveled Revelations

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Image Credit: a self portrait by San Francisco born artist Madeline von Foerster entitled Metamorphosis #6.
Life Hits You

Life Hits You

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Poetry written to be read aloud. Spoken Verse.


A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Feathering Image Credit: A Feather in the sky by Burnard Druand soar bending temperate light beyond aureate surge fle..
Over the Bridge

Over the Bridge

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

A day on the Cape -
The Hands of Time (A Sestina)

The Hands of Time (A Sestina)

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

The Hands of Time (A Sestina) Clock ticks measurements with gentle rhythm. Forever bound to factions of her face. Days relinquish sunshine to t..
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Song of Hope (An Abecedarius)

Song of Hope (An Abecedarius)

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Song of Hope (An Abecedarius) Age lives upon an ebon sky black velvet smooth as satin tie co-mingled with the bright of moon, divided light fr..
Behind the Wire

Behind the Wire

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Thoughts on "behind the wire"


A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Aim Both barrels stifled breath shooting more than hopeless dreams beyond what might have been. Resolution hid in a trigger finger...
Maternal Ground

Maternal Ground

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Maternal Ground She runs wild and sometimes still with fire in her will and her smile like gold glows brilliant as the sun. W..
Ribbons Wrapped

Ribbons Wrapped

A Poem by Pamela A. Lamppa

Structured Free verse with internal rhyme and subtle rhythm. A Love poem