nigrum homonculus : Writing

one day

one day

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

i'm pretty scared of death. I've lost some friends this year and the last. but its inevitable and i will meet them again. a positive thought on a grim..
behind closed doors.

behind closed doors.

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

i don't know if i clinch the title properly, but this 1 is based on my first job, as an office worker and a direct salesman. worst month of my life.
from the cradle to the coffin

from the cradle to the coffin

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

i wrote this for a friend of mine. he wanted something intense and that explains the hypocritical nature of humans. but i fear i have ventured into re..
lack of inspiration

lack of inspiration

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

exactly how I felt when I wrote this. pretty upset at the time but glad I got this out in the open.


A Poem by nigrum homonculus

what the title says. had a brain fart at 3 am and thought it would be nice to write it down.
A simple- stick up

A simple- stick up

A Story by nigrum homonculus

a brilliant short story made by my talented friend George Rodrigues.
When I sleep, I dream

When I sleep, I dream

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

About my mother and her land. My origins.
Woe is christmas

Woe is christmas

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

this one is based on actual events that happened to me on the holidays of 2011. i write too many depressing poems man.....
1 minute, 1000 words

1 minute, 1000 words

A Poem by nigrum homonculus

what the title says i wrote this in a minute while looking at a girl i think aged 15? just crying her eyes out outside my house. her make up was runni..


A Poem by nigrum homonculus

one of my earlier writings. don't need to tell you who its about as it can be about anyone. a lover, a friend, an enemy. never quite sure in this worl..