Daniel J Darcey : Writing

The Fall of Ceti-Delphi

The Fall of Ceti-Delphi

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

A Human world that the Darkcon Empire once ruled has been conquered by the Federation. Jeia and T'a go to Ceti-Delphi to confront Praetor D'var.
The Imperator

The Imperator

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

Jeia and T'a escape from Ceti-Delphi only to chased by the Federation. A massive Human warship saves them and they attempt to escape the Federation fo..
The War in the Dark

The War in the Dark

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

Queen Laxur realizing that her Empire is on the verge of defeat attempts to negotiate with Praetor D'var. And things don't go accordingly to her plans..
The Derelict

The Derelict

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

An abandoned Federation ship drifts into the Utopian Kingdom. Asora desperate for a piece of Federation hardware sends a team to retrieve it.
A Genetic Nightmare

A Genetic Nightmare

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

The nightmarish Xeron are unleashed and chasing the Utopians through the damaged Federation ship.
The Utopian Marine Corp.

The Utopian Marine Corp.

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

Princess Asora has successfully and secretly created a new military fighting force for the Utopian Kingdom. The Marines.
The Battle for Canva Prime

The Battle for Canva Prime

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

The new Utopian Marines are put to their first test, as the Federation move on Canva Prime the world of the Mer-People.
The Assembly's Decision

The Assembly's Decision

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

Praetor D'var is told by the Assembly to retrieve the Anti-Virus by any means necessary.
Party Crashers

Party Crashers

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

Princess Asora's Birthday is a few weeks away and everyone is in a good mood. That is until her two main rivals come to crash the fun in their unique ..
Life in the Utopian Kingdom

Life in the Utopian Kingdom

A Chapter by Daniel J Darcey

Queen Laxur's spell has gone wrong and Asora and D'var are going to see the end results in an unexpected way.

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