J.K. (Not Rowling) : Writing

Sunshine of the Soul

Sunshine of the Soul

A Story by J.K. (Not Rowling)

For the "Short Story Prompt" contest. To the moderator... I found that sticking to the suggested tense worked after all, but thank you for the option..
A Matter of Opinion

A Matter of Opinion

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

My mom used to try to convince my sister and I that she wasn't making fruit-cake... we didn't believe her (until years later when we both asked for th..


A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

For the 100 word contest (3)
The Best Christmas Ever

The Best Christmas Ever

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

True story about Christmas when I was 5 years old. To this day, my family talks about this particular holiday.
Cold Winter Nights at LaSalette Shrine

Cold Winter Nights at LaSalette Shrine

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

This was probably one of my favorite things to do before Christmas when I was a kid.
Thanksgiving Stress

Thanksgiving Stress

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

I'm the one in charge of Thanksgiving this year... and I'm about 1 can of cranberry sauce away from freaking out. My thoughts on the subject :) For f..
The Story of Us... So Far

The Story of Us... So Far

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

How my husband and I got together... I'm feeling rather sentimental today :)
No Joy in War

No Joy in War

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

For a challenge that required using words only 3 letters or less. Had to be at least 4 lines long, with at least 5 words per line. It was not as eas..
Friends (A Sestina)

Friends (A Sestina)

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

My first attempt at a sestina, written on my luch break today for my friend's birthday (also today)
A Bar Brawl

A Bar Brawl

A Poem by J.K. (Not Rowling)

I've had the song "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" seriously stuck in my head for 3 weeks now. I've tried everything to make it go away, including what you see..