Beaner166 : Writing

Loosing You

Loosing You

A Poem by Beaner166

Five years of waiting.Five years ofpatience.On the sixth i moved on.Or so I thought.I couldnt have been more wrong.we talk after months.You say those ..


A Poem by Beaner166

It's loud.So very loud.So many people.People walking their streets.Raping, killing, stealing.I don't see theirpurpose.Their reason for being?Why do th..
Loves Prayer

Loves Prayer

A Poem by Beaner166

Now I lay my head to sleep. My heart i give to you to keep. Should i die before i wake. Iwish foryou my soul to take. Forgive me of my transgressi..


A Poem by Beaner166

Im not crazy. I just see people you dont.Im not askit so. You just dont hear the people that talk to me.Im not psycho. I only think about hurting some..
Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind

A Poem by Beaner166

Your heart is telling you that you want me.But your mind is telling you that you have what you want.Your mind won't let you act on the want of your he..
Our Story

Our Story

A Poem by Beaner166

I feel like were back in the day.Whenchivalrywasn'tdead.I feel like I'm Romeo and you are my Juliet.I close my eyes and drift away.Away to a place wer..
Waiting Nevermore

Waiting Nevermore

A Poem by Beaner166

I waited. I tried. But its to much. I can,t do it.Notanymore. It,s to much. The pain of seeing you with him. I,ve held my fake smile for to long..
Being Played

Being Played

A Poem by Beaner166

You told me, "I love you". But I have to wait. Your with him. But you want me. Your still with him?If I'm what you desire. Why make me wait? I d..
I'm Here

I'm Here

A Poem by Beaner166

I woke from my quiet slumber. Roused with only one thought. The thought of you. Giving life to a thought once buried. Why? Why now? Where did th..
Two Sorrows

Two Sorrows

A Poem by Beaner166

This what can happen as a result of bad relationships.