samaveiled : Writing

the fire/the reason

the fire/the reason

A Poem by samaveiled

that fire... (or) the reason Its that naked, starving, fire burning behind your eyes that gets me. That masked pain, that fever I long to cool; and..


A Poem by samaveiled

patience Im sitting here this morning, rainbows caught in my eyelashes. Dreaming, sighing in the sun. These webs of dreams will never hold the ..


A Poem by samaveiled

the ashes of memory blow into my eyes i rub them, with the fists of truth (the fists of now!) that darkness is back aching in the pit of my..
i will stand alone!

i will stand alone!

A Poem by samaveiled

like a beer, hard to swallow, ..


A Poem by samaveiled

that well isnt deep enough for me to draw water from. spirituality flakes off like moss, just on the surface. i am so thirsty. so thirsty and ready to..
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...


A Poem by samaveiled

i have these chains, you see? and their weight on my neck, (my arms! my shou..


A Poem by samaveiled

i am dancing in circles. eyes shut, and arms wide open. spinning, spinning, skirts flowing out, like petals soft- warm in the golden sunlight. ..
guilty warmth

guilty warmth

A Poem by samaveiled

today, i pull this blanket of dreams over my head. hiding. with fate cloggin..


A Poem by samaveiled

i can feel you. trying to slip through the cracks. trying to slide back into me...but the cracks are filled with rough salt from the ocean of my eyes...


A Poem by samaveiled

i hold your memory, like shards of glass in my fingers. tonight, i need you. i want to hold those memories closer, to cuddle them, and crawl inside. b..