vindictivesunshine : Writing

Tirade on soliloquy

Tirade on soliloquy

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

We are rabid in one accord. The pity plant of baseless comparisson, the last warm colour among the shaded gray. Ignorance, indifference, ambivalenc..
Money back guarantee skin(void if decorticated)

Money back guarantee skin(void if decorticated)

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

The lies I strung out, rang out in main street. Inquisitive, anticipatory eyes crave for a quivering lip, but I know not this anxiously awaited sham..
How can I be summer, autumn's in my head, winter in my heart and spring far from my nature

How can I be summer, autumn\'s in my head, winter ..

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

God's subordinates circumvent the orb of life. A gentle orb of violent quakes. The epitome of canivorous rot, a dog eat dog society. Among them, di..
The box from whence I came

The box from whence I came

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

The box from whence I came holds no more significance to a lifeless life. A claustrophobic existence that endorses droning, not my preference. Som..
Benevolence Cost Me You

Benevolence Cost Me You

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

I've fallen and now i'm bleeding plasma and cytoplasm. I'm an innocent bystander to your unprovoked rage, and grotesque performance. Who thought in..
 A heart attack for a low ease puppy

A heart attack for a low ease puppy

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

Bolt the square to the wall and hope it never falls. For its frame is weak, facing elemental woes. But from the abstract, as many fantasies are bir..
Daffodils wither in diablo sauce

Daffodils wither in diablo sauce

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

I will stand by your side and hold you until the monoxide does you in. Do you prefer the hypocracy of chloroform, or the stark nobility of a lethal..
Earth explodes every Eden else Eve evolves

Earth explodes every Eden else Eve evolves

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

O terrible angel. My shining lady demigod upon your hapa throne. Pity me this kiss, this love. See how your eyes choreograph my own pupilic dance, ..
Naive skin

Naive skin

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

a take on an old story
The best of times, the worst of times

The best of times, the worst of times

A Poem by vindictivesunshine

Vertigo. Still, ice breathe. Lollipops and bag juice. Lunch kit daze, in shorts. Summer wishes, star dreams. Iridescent distractions, a mind expl..