Linger at my lips, touch me, take me, oh yes, make me. Mold me to your soul
Unravel my stubborn spirit, lead me, love me, want me, need me
Put down this pride and pray they tell me
But I cannot - I must be free
Look at them, frozen in supplication
Time-worn beggars of foul reputat..
Thoughts rattle through my head
Marbles loose, lost and rocking
Found myself off and walking
Rambling from pain to pain
Back and fo..
I speak
But you don't listen
Don't talk back
Say something
The walls are closing in
My hands are old
And movements are machinations
Dancing, I was dancing
Beneath the milk-white stars
Scattered across the Georgia sky
Dancing for thanks
Dancing for blissful joy
Dancing for star..
A playful rhyme with a bit of a lesson
A sort of rondeau... not quite the perfect scheme, yet for me, it works. :)
Strip the painted jeans from my hips
And kiss the color from my lips
Pull the sweater o'er my head
And lay me softly in your bed
Make love..
Nymph I was when over a shoulder
I spied
One such as I
Newly formed, transforming
Such a fleeting glance it was and yet
You are trapped in the ..
Did you hear me when I shouted at the sun?
Hear me crying to that brightness
To come and blot out the darkness that settled
Into my life, my soul w..