Stephanie M : Writing

The Undying Pyre

The Undying Pyre

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about Hell.
At World's End

At World's End

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a political poem about the condition our nation is in.
Generation's End

Generation's End

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a political poem about the condition our nation is in.
My Worst Enemy

My Worst Enemy

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a woman that I really hate.


A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a woman I cannot stand.
How I Really Feel About You

How I Really Feel About You

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about a woman I can't stand.
Baby's Cradle Cult of Devil's Road

Baby's Cradle Cult of Devil's Road

A Poem by Stephanie M

This a poem about an actual place that is said to be cursed.
Stranger From Out of the Blue

Stranger From Out of the Blue

A Poem by Stephanie M

This poem is about an online friend that I had a crush on briefly.
The Hymns of Salem

The Hymns of Salem

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem I wrote about the women of Salem who were tortured needlessly during the Salem Witch Trials.
Swamp of Despair

Swamp of Despair

A Poem by Stephanie M

This is a poem about depression.