Bob B : Writing

Halloween 1950-Something

Halloween 1950-Something

A Poem by Bob B

Halloween was always one of my Favorite nights of the year, Although the waiting was torturous As the date drew near. What to wear? wa..
Rigged, Huh?

Rigged, Huh?

A Poem by Bob B

Trump's been talking for months About a "rigged" election. He keeps talking of some Conspiratorial connection. He says if he does..
Way Out of Hand

Way Out of Hand

A Poem by Bob B

The Clinton email "scandals" have gotten So absurdly out of hand, That every time we hear the news The nonsense is harder to withstand. ..
If Your Birth Sign Is Scorpio...

If Your Birth Sign Is Scorpio...

A Poem by Bob B

Guarded is a key word for you. You keep your privacy highly protected. Your reluctance to openly Exhibit your feelings must be respected. ..
He Blew It Again!

He Blew It Again!

A Poem by Bob B

The final presidential debate: At the beginning Trump tried To act "presidential," but The guy just can't be dignified. It didn't ..
Can It Get Any Crazier?

Can It Get Any Crazier?

A Poem by Bob B

Trump denies the accusations Of assaulting women. He says, Nope. The accusers coming forward aren't Pretty enough for him to grope. ..
How NOT Surprising!

How NOT Surprising!

A Poem by Bob B

So Trump wanted to change his strategy For the second presidential debate. How ironic to watch what he Managed to communicate! He ..
Sinking Ship

Sinking Ship

A Poem by Bob B

What do you do on a sinking ship? You desperately grasp for whatever Will keep you afloat; you rack your brain And cherish any life-savin..
Scary Resemblance

Scary Resemblance

A Poem by Bob B

His goal: to make his nation powerful. The result: the creation of heaps of sorrow. Appealing to hate--not to hope-- He spoke of creating ..
What Are You Trying to Hide, Mr. T?

What Are You Trying to Hide, Mr. T?

A Poem by Bob B

What are you trying to hide, Mr. T? What do you fear we will find In your secret tax returns? Let's see.... What springs to mind? Are ..