Here are a few of my best chapters from my novel that I have been working on for the past three months. It is told from the perspectives of two high ..
a chapter of my novel, told from the point of view of Greg, upon returning to his hometown after a stint in a rehab facility.
I had barely been home and in my bed for two hours when my niece Laura climbed onto my bed, jumping erratically, her fat little toddler feet falling o..
half of this chapter is written from Greg's perspective, and half from Ruthy's. I'm still playing around with this chapter, so bear with me.
I Caught Myself
“Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself from saying something that I should have never thought of you, you‘re..
I woke up hazy, the light in the room seemed cloudy and soft, like I was still in a dream. I looked at the lamp on the table, realizing Greg must have..
I am not so sure about this chapter- a little help here....
The title says it all....
The trick is to keep breathing
“She knows the human heart, and how to read the stars. Now everything’s about to fall apart. I won&r..
a reunion, bittersweet.