Writer *78* : Writing

Doubting the Power of the Inner Darkness

Doubting the Power of the Inner Darkness

A Chapter by Writer *78*

"Ones inner darkness can be a powerful thing when the person realizes not to doubt it or ones self."
Spiritual Deliverance

Spiritual Deliverance

A Chapter by Writer *78*

"Once you realize that everything is connected the easier things become with Life."
Anxiety of Thoughts/Class in Society

Anxiety of Thoughts/Class in Society

A Chapter by Writer *78*

"Society is going no where thus the anxiety attacks are endless."
Cascading into the Darkness

Cascading into the Darkness

A Chapter by Writer *78*

"Going behind the vail of Darkness and seeing whats there is the most clever thing we could ever do."
Final Act: Inner Battle within Thyself

Final Act: Inner Battle within Thyself

A Chapter by Writer *78*

"The battle within the 'inner' self is something we all go through."
Phantom the Darkness Within: Journey into the Abyss

Phantom the Darkness Within: Journey into the Abys..

A Book by Writer *78*

“This is a continuation of the pervious poem expressing the turmoil one has with our own Darkside.”


A Chapter by Writer *78*

To realize ones Trure self is to defy all meaning within. Crying out in the Darkness, therefore putting a face to your own darkside to then use it.
Unbound Ties/ Choosing of the Path

Unbound Ties/ Choosing of the Path

A Chapter by Writer *78*

Choosing of One's path can be hard at times but its when you go down the narrow road willingly that you find your hidden treasure
Letting Go

Letting Go

A Chapter by Writer *78*

Letting go of everything measures one mans true essence and nature of how they will react in socitey


A Chapter by Writer *78*

Emotions are a feeling that one has while going through the transformation of ones self. If we choose to let go and become our true selves