Thinker1 : Writing



A Book by Thinker1

Chapter 2:The Dream

Chapter 2:The Dream

A Chapter by Thinker1

My mom and dad were asleep, and I was tending a fire. It was about midnight and the fire was dying down to a faint glow, like a blazing fire in the ..
Chaper 3: Life

Chaper 3: Life

A Chapter by Thinker1

"Wake up sleepy head! You've got chores to do!" I got up with a groan, thinking about the day ahead. By the way, my name is Suza Youkla, or ..
Chapter 4: Reliaty

Chapter 4: Reliaty

A Chapter by Thinker1

speed of light. All of a sudden, ashes were all that was left of the creature. Normally I wake up before I actually see what happened to the creature..
Chapter 5: Lyeake

Chapter 5: Lyeake

A Chapter by Thinker1

Things happened all too fast. One moment my parents were gushing over me, asking me questions to no end, and the next moment there was silence. I shiv..
Chapter 1: Prolouge

Chapter 1: Prolouge

A Chapter by Thinker1

"We must send her to Earth for her own safety, for He will not expect this. We must bring her to a family, quick. Any family. We must explain to ..
Chapter 6: Preperation

Chapter 6: Preperation

A Chapter by Thinker1

When I awoke, everything was where I put it, untouched. I didn’t think that it would be any different, but I check anyway. Yes, it was still t..
Chapter 7: A Whole New World

Chapter 7: A Whole New World

A Chapter by Thinker1

In a mere second, I was transported to a wonderful forest, like I expected. You would think after all of the weird things that have happened to me, I ..

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