Tiffany Howard : Writing

Pair | 2017

Pair | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

I laugh at his jokes,he notices me when I’m invisible,an unlikely pair we are,but that’s what makes us indivisible.
Power Trip | 2017

Power Trip | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

I hold on with all my might,biting hard into my lipas your blood glows red and bright.Quietly I quip,“Just admit that I was right.”I enjoy..
Sheep | 2017

Sheep | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

He pulls you in with an innocent grin,your heart gives a single beat.He says he isn’t sure how long it’s beensince he’s last had suc..
In My Dreams | 2017

In My Dreams | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

My love, I’ll embrace you tightly,making sure you smile brightly,keep that laughter coming nightly,if only in my dreams.Dear, I’ll brush y..
That Thing That Lovers Do | 2017

That Thing That Lovers Do | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

There’s that thing that lovers do,that thing that I have no clueon how to do or if it’s trueor if I should invent a newway to fall in love..
Wallow In My Grief | 2018

Wallow In My Grief | 2018

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

Wallow, wallow in my griefPull me, pull me in too deepPush me, push me to the brinkKill me, kill me so I sink
No One | 2017

No One | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

No one had a clueabout the girl who resented herself,about how she no longer knewhow much should could keep on her shelf.No one even caredabout the ch..
Heartache | 2017

Heartache | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

My heart aches in a way it never has before,twisting and stinging right to my core.Everyday I wander with this deep sorrow,praying that it’ll fi..
Poison | 2017

Poison | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

s.It is poison, this love.
Midsummer | 2017

Midsummer | 2017

A Poem by Tiffany Howard

Wrap me in your arms while you slumber,breathe me in and remember me midsummer.Listen to our hearts beating as one,taste my affection bursting like a ..