Toni.S : Writing

The Slap with a Fake Echo

The Slap with a Fake Echo

A Poem by Toni.S

How Fake Hollyweird will follow the instructions of the well-oiled P.R. team and the Academy.
Narcissist's Week

Narcissist's Week

A Poem by Toni.S

Acknowledging a Narcissist
Brevity of Love

Brevity of Love

A Poem by Toni.S

4-Line Writing Prompt of no returned love.
Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear

A Poem by Toni.S

Writing Prompt A poem in four lines, beginning, middle, and end about teddy bears
Such A Narcissist

Such A Narcissist

A Poem by Toni.S

When people purposefully blame others.
A Powerful Rainfall

A Powerful Rainfall

A Poem by Toni.S

I'm the figment of my own imagination. Describe Me.
This is not a poem

This is not a poem

A Poem by Toni.S

From Karmic to Grace

From Karmic to Grace

A Poem by Toni.S

Mean as can be, Were the corporate bullies. That gained using slain, While moving ahead on satin’s mane. But you continued t..
Marking His Territory

Marking His Territory

A Poem by Toni.S

picture prompt
Beached Whale

Beached Whale

A Poem by Toni.S

Careless and lazy as we all can be, Throwing our garbage into the sea. We vacation for miles, With faces filled with smiles. As humpbac..