valerie : Writing

day 25 - memphis

day 25 - memphis

A Poem by valerie

when you miss the hometown you don't remember
day 24 - golgotha

day 24 - golgotha

A Poem by valerie

another from the 30/30 challenge, this was written on easter sunday.
day 23 - beirut

day 23 - beirut

A Poem by valerie

your ukelele tap-dances across my templeand horns waltz through my eardrumsi dance to a different place, another erathis is the tango of time travel
day 22 - berlin

day 22 - berlin

A Poem by valerie

forget what you're told,make new something oldbattleships swim in the skyas airplanes fly through oceans.
day 21 - galena

day 21 - galena

A Poem by valerie

it's okay if you don't like me,but i'll still be herewaiting for you to spill your secretwish in my ear.i'll find him, don't worry,your wish will come..
day 20 - madrid

day 20 - madrid

A Poem by valerie

you who could not save yourself,save them.paint their skin every season of beautiful.
day 19 - claremont

day 19 - claremont

A Poem by valerie

funny how things change over time.
day 18 - dublin

day 18 - dublin

A Poem by valerie

out of all the fantasies that live in my head, this one is probably the best.
day 17 - brussels

day 17 - brussels

A Poem by valerie

"god's moving in your bloodstream where the crossbeats aren't so slow." --broken horse by freelance whales. if you were time, what would you see?
day 16 - london

day 16 - london

A Poem by valerie

"you must be somewhere in london, you must be loving your life in the rain." --england by the national