Tara : Writing

I Am But a Woman

I Am But a Woman

A Poem by Tara

i am but a woman i need a purification rite. douse me in some holy water. cover me in rosary beads crosses at my feet bathe me in a ritual bat..
The Picture

The Picture

A Poem by Tara

I watch her tiny fist grasp the crayon. She makes a sun. A big round orange circle. Seven orange sticks and then a green ground; grass. Soon a ..
The Poem Refuses to Be Written

The Poem Refuses to Be Written

A Poem by Tara

i keep sitting down to write this poem and i keep passing out. it's almost as if the writing of the poem will reveal something i'm not yet ready to..
A New York Night

A New York Night

A Poem by Tara

baby, that night when you and i got high and photographed each other on rooftops of city buildings in various states of undress until the fog..
What Poetry Cannot Do

What Poetry Cannot Do

A Poem by Tara

Poetry cannot do the laundry. It cannot make dinner for your children. It refuses to clean toilets or windows or vacuum those tight corners wh..
Slat of Wood

Slat of Wood

A Poem by Tara

I've had just about enough of myself. Lately all of my poetry has tears. It weeps and whines like a spoiled infant. Today I painted the fence..
The Joys of Suburbia

The Joys of Suburbia

A Poem by Tara

I am one Mary Kay party away from becoming a homicidal suburban wife. Sue Ellen, the Mary Kay representative (are they ALL named Sue Ellen?) dro..


A Poem by Tara

his poetry left marks it was raw unadulterated meant for me. he spoke in riddles yet i knew of what he wrote. truth in all its ugliness ..
Walking Away

Walking Away

A Poem by Tara

I said goodbye fully intending to never see him again I actually strutted away my head held high a smile sneaking its way onto my face He was..
Before the Snow Came

Before the Snow Came

A Poem by Tara

Before the snow came The night was bluelighted And the moon, eclipsed. But the stars compensated. I could hear them twinkling As one hears gr..