waubbafet : Writing

(Old) The Hunt 7: The Human

(Old) The Hunt 7: The Human

A Screenplay by waubbafet

EXT. MONSERVO/ BACK OF AUCTION HOUSE/ NIGHT BLAZE comes out the back door of the auction house and wonders around. Theres a thick layer of fog on t..
(Old) The Hunt 8: The Calm

(Old) The Hunt 8: The Calm

A Screenplay by waubbafet

INT. EMMA'S APARTMENT - SUNRISE Emma paces back and forth. Mona lies on the couch looking deathly sick. MONA Stop wasting time, you're drivin..
Doors 1 (Old)

Doors 1 (Old)

A Screenplay by waubbafet

A girl who lost here home, a place in between dimensions, travels though the dimension plain to try and find help for her people.

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