Wilyem Clark : Writing

The Creative Life

The Creative Life

A Poem by Wilyem Clark

The Bard of Arlington dreams through his nighttimes, Toils in the mornings, Naps afternoons. His list of contacts is super-slim: A plumber, a dent..


A Poem by Wilyem Clark

Ah, zephyrous day! How I yearn to copulate With the breeze, To have it spread my flossy seed across These fallow lands. It's not so easy of late t..


A Poem by Wilyem Clark

Unclad, that is: umbrellaless, I walk out in the rain; Of niggling inconvenience I care not to complain. Instead, I'd like to focus on The dribbl..
A Proper Bed

A Proper Bed

A Poem by Wilyem Clark

A bed should be a quiet pool And not a roiling, foamy flume; Beware the signs of turbulence-- Look, look! A ripple mars the sheet. A bed should be..
Social Contacts

Social Contacts

A Poem by Wilyem Clark

What has happened to us, to "society"? The Pandemic failed in terms of deaths But succeeded in spreading apprehension And fear of personal interact..
On the Run

On the Run

A Poem by Wilyem Clark

So flee then, child, with cheetah-haste, Or faster if you have the legs! Ten months of sprinting as you streak Across the incognito plains. You co..


A Poem by Wilyem Clark

I'm getting old and sore and creaky, verily I am; My joints are in rebellion, my vitality's on the lam; I've fought decrepitude with drugs, with exe..


A Poem by Wilyem Clark

Do you think that group photo makes it right? Are you saying my absence completes your circle? I'm still there, you know. I'm the ghost where now t..


A Poem by Wilyem Clark

A full and frilly peony: Temporal, fleecy, sumptuous, Neither peacock-proud nor grossly garish Like a pansy benched in a mulchy berm Or a ballgown..
Solving the Puzzle

Solving the Puzzle

A Poem by Wilyem Clark

Little colored squares piled up, A motley stack of tiles, A onetime swath of Roman floor All broken up, Dismantled pied mosaic begging Reconstruc..