

A Poem by 1809 Black Plague December

No one knows how it is

When you open the book

A small letter can

Take away your soul, your

life, your healing, take you 

to a place where you didn't decide 

become, what was not meant for

It was just a game, a curiosity

No one understands. 


© 2023 1809 Black Plague December

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Censorship.. It'd be simple minded to say that censorship is all bad. I wouldn't like to see kids exposed to weird fetish porn and horror stories and whatnot.. But there is such a thing as overdoing it.

In a nutshell, censorship is limitation on art. It's just a step away from all out dictatorship.

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

1809 Black Plague December

10 Months Ago

I think the same, Dear,
it's just that some things are not meant, but they are there; :S .. read more


Censorship.. It'd be simple minded to say that censorship is all bad. I wouldn't like to see kids exposed to weird fetish porn and horror stories and whatnot.. But there is such a thing as overdoing it.

In a nutshell, censorship is limitation on art. It's just a step away from all out dictatorship.

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

1809 Black Plague December

10 Months Ago

I think the same, Dear,
it's just that some things are not meant, but they are there; :S .. read more
Interesting theme and beautifully written poem. Good work 👍

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

1809 Black Plague December

10 Months Ago

thank you so much TP.
On the whole, I am against censorship. Still, not everyone should have access to violent porn,

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

1809 Black Plague December

10 Months Ago

thank you so much John the Babtist; for reading a tender subject. It is like being in at court; and.. read more
This is a wonderful homage to the power of books, of the printed word's ability to transport us. Sometimes this is a pleasant journey, sometimes it is not. We cannot deny the power, and yet not all information is beneficial. I detest censorship, as it is the antithesis of freedom. This poem gives one much to think about!

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

1809 Black Plague December

10 Months Ago

Thank you so much, Dear Zoe,
I am thankful of your mark words,
Excellence, to you, bit.. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on September 10, 2023
Last Updated on September 10, 2023
Tags: Censorship, reading, book


1809 Black Plague December
1809 Black Plague December

north hollywood, CA

1809 Black Plague December. Hellos. I love Old English. I earn my characters to horrorrofy my audience. Please forgive my indiscretions or seemingly poise of arrogance, it is not meant at all. .. more..
