Missing You

Missing You

A Poem by 1Disawsum

The worst thing in a person's life is losing your parent. Through death, divorce, or falling apart.

Daddy is gone, darling.
He won't be coming back.
Now it's just us two,
Still a family.

We're a broken family,
Words can't hide that. 
Mum's all that I have left,
No dad, no role model. 

It's been one year now,
And it still stings.
Cuts. Burns. Hurts.
It's still agonisingly painful.

I can't handle it,
I'm falling apart but nobody sees.
Daddy, where are you?
You left me so young, I feel so alone.

Daddy, I miss you.
You don't write, you don't call.
I can't visit you,I can't see you.
Photographs of a happy life are all I have.

Memories of times when everthing was OK,
Before the shock that consumed us all.
Before that bombshell rained down on us.
Memories of a happier life.

I miss you, dad. We all miss you.
Why did you have to be there,
At that time, at that wrong time?
Why were you standing there, right there?

Life moves so fast, it's either you run with it
Or you get left behind. 
Consumed by sadness, memories lost,
Time fell away. 

I can't lose more time, 
I can't stay in the past.
Dad, I'm sorry. I'm not leaving you behind,
I'm just moving forward with you.

I love you, dad. Remember that.
I love you, unconditionally. 
No matter what happened, I hope
That you still love me too.

I can't see you, I can't hear you.
I can't smell your scent, or feel your hand
Resting on my head.
But I can feel you,

And that's all that matters to me now.

© 2015 1Disawsum

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Added on September 24, 2015
Last Updated on September 24, 2015



Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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