Truth Or Dare?

Truth Or Dare?

A Poem by Stacy Purvis

Truth or Dare?

I don't wanna be anotha victim
His-Story, Societal symptom
A notch on your bedpost
Congratulations, let's toast
While you boast
About how I trust-ed you
Thought you were different 
Only to find out 
It was me you lied about. 
'Cuz we both know you were the One
But you know, Hey, it was fun
While it lasted, then I blasted 
You out, and now she knows
Yea, she knows everything.
Ooh boy, Run that Game
Call me up and drop a name
Does she know I was your freak
Eyes wide, Mouth open, Geek
"Let's go A little bit faster"
"Let's go A little bit harder"
Make it last a little bit longer
Every day, a little bit stronger
'Cuz we both know we can't be wrong-er
For each other but what the hex, baby?
She go a little bat sh*t crazy?
She sells sea shells 'cuz she's too lazy
But Who do the voodoo?
You who...You know who, boo.
How do I get back there?
You and Me, Somewhere
Skipping to anotha time and place
Memories of us, I can't seem to erase
It's your lips I wanna taste
And when the Sun goes down, baby
Hold my hand, Yes, No, Maybe?
You don't Believe In Regrets
But I do. Never say "I'm sorry" 
But I'll show you
You're worth it and I don't talk sh*t
I mean every word of it.
If I told you I think you're Beautiful
Would you hold it against me?
Worse, would you walk away and leave me
Stranded out here in Outer Space
No way Home, Vanish, Poof, Without a trace?
Why do we always hurt 
The One's we Love the Most?
Talk sh*t, Lie, F*cking boast
About things we know aren't True
Total Confusion
Left me with Contusions
Mouth bleeding, Lips receding
I'm still reeling
About these feelings
You left me with
When you left me.
And never came back
Chest pain, Heart attack
Stranded, Like a participle
Sentence fragments, Dangling
Star-Spangled, Bangling.
Never finished explaining
The Who, What, When and Why
Too strong to let you see me cry
Moving on, but I wonder why
All the good sh*t eventually dies
I'm rarely shocked 
But I'm always surprised
Fading fast
Anotha car crash
F*cking b*tch put me on blast
Burnin', Spinnin' outta control
Stop, Drop and Roll Roll Roll
Until next time, Same bat channel 
But a different rhyme
Stolen Heart, Felonious crime
Just anotha ghost and my heart's the host
Listening, Watching Coast to Coast
Peace out.
Champagne toast.

© 2020 Stacy Purvis

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wow! i really would like to hear this spoken .. its powerful, has movement, pain, angst, courage and ... of course ;) never fun to be the "other" other ... he cheats on one he will cheat on them all :( i am old and fogy ...have a hard time appreciating rap and gangsta style stuff .. but i got into this .. i can feel the beat ..tap me feet .. that's no sheet :))))))))))))))))) seriously .. this put me in a smoke filled underground coffee house or wine spirits place ... with hipsters and beats ... there are dramatic rhythm change ups in this that can only be conveyed as you want them to be ... through the Spoken Word .. i would love to hear that .. thanks for sharing

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stacy Purvis

4 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed...I can totally picture that scenario. lol


wow, I can feel the pain in this, clear as day, with some very creative ryhming schemes. There are others that will not do you this way. We are usually the ones you will be the least interested in. One of lifes cruelties, the one that will make us happy is most times the one we will overlook, walk right past, never even notice. or just ignore.

Posted 1 Year Ago

This has a nice flow with great energy.

Posted 3 Years Ago

I did like the energy of these words.
"But a different rhyme
Stolen Heart, Felonious crime
Just anotha ghost and my heart's the host
Listening, Watching Coast to Coast
Peace out.
Champagne toast."
The above lines were very cool. Thank you my friend for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 3 Years Ago

wow! i really would like to hear this spoken .. its powerful, has movement, pain, angst, courage and ... of course ;) never fun to be the "other" other ... he cheats on one he will cheat on them all :( i am old and fogy ...have a hard time appreciating rap and gangsta style stuff .. but i got into this .. i can feel the beat ..tap me feet .. that's no sheet :))))))))))))))))) seriously .. this put me in a smoke filled underground coffee house or wine spirits place ... with hipsters and beats ... there are dramatic rhythm change ups in this that can only be conveyed as you want them to be ... through the Spoken Word .. i would love to hear that .. thanks for sharing

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stacy Purvis

4 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed...I can totally picture that scenario. lol
some guys just don`t get it

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stacy Purvis

4 Years Ago

ikr? Such is life, eh?
This definitely has the flow of a song. Rhymes tightly packed together. Telling a story of vulnerability and a void existing because of the heart taking a risk, There are some great lines here. Nice job!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stacy Purvis

4 Years Ago

Did you like the rhyming?

4 Years Ago

i definitley did

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6 Reviews
Added on July 12, 2020
Last Updated on July 20, 2020
Tags: sassystace, sassystacexo, xosassystacexo, xosassystaceox


Stacy Purvis
Stacy Purvis

Columbus, OH

Altruistic Enigmatic Polymath | Writer, Poet, Actress, Musician, EMT, CNA, Phlebotomist. I'm an Artist. I paint pictures of the verbal kind.☕️❤️ 333 more..


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