This is what family looks like to her

This is what family looks like to her

A Poem by Olivia Danielle

Closed. Open. Clear. Obstructed.


Screaming, shouting from the room across

Crying in the bathroom

How much of this was in my head?

I was surrounded by sounds, people

Why did it feel so alone?

We’re all better off without each other

My parents

Who raised me, loved me

Couldn’t see the pain they were putting me through

Every time mom breaks a glass

Every time dad storms out

My sister

Taken for granted before

Now that she left this home

I realized she was my only friend

Now gone

Everyone was better off alone

I wished to distance myself from this world

Solemn closed doors couldn’t contain the sounds

Everyone felt they were being so discreet


She chose beliefs over me


He chose conformity instead of happiness


She chose a life far away

But me

I’m breaking inside

© 2018 Olivia Danielle

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a literally omg moment for me coz through this poem i see a future of me if i decided to do this thing that ive been thinking to do, but this poem is through (the way im feeling after reading this, i feel like it resonates with my sibling's feelings if i choose to do the thing) my sister's eyes...

Posted 5 Years Ago

How sad this family is to be broken and spit and divided and then someone has to leave. And still feeling lonely. As the one friend, you did have left. I think most families are like this, to be honest. Where they argue and fight. And someone always ends up leaving. To find some peace.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 20, 2018
Last Updated on August 20, 2018