A-Z Brief Guide On Skunk Habitat

A-Z Brief Guide On Skunk Habitat

A Story by 911wildlifepros

Skunks are commonly found wildlife mammals that are responsible for causing nuisance in a yard.

Skunks are commonly found wildlife mammals that are responsible for causing nuisance in a yard. They are known for their ability to spray a liquid with strong odor, whenever they are frightened and feel insecure. They often take shelter in homes to cope up with changing weather conditions and in search of food.

The area they love to reside is yards, pavements, and sidewalks. They build their home in form of large holes or burrows, where they stay for the whole day and peep out during the night to search and collect food. Recognizing a skunk invasion in Oakville is little tricky, as they look quite similar to squirrels and their body color ranges from black and white to brown and cream.

Skunk Species- Most commonly, there are three types of skunks found in Canada.

1. Striped Skunk

This is the commonly found home species that have long black fur with two broad white stripes on the back. These stripes run across the whole of their body, starting from the tail to head forks. The shape of their head is triangular and the tail is long with a bushy fur.

2. Spotted Skunk

Spotted skunk is about half the size of a common household cat. It is found in two varieties, one is black colored with white stripes and the other is with white spots. Both of them have bushy tails and are nocturnal in nature.

3. Hog Nose Skunk

They are fairly large and dark brown to black in color with a single broad stripe. Their tail is mostly white colored with few black hairs. The hog-nosed skunks can spray up to the length of 15 feet to hit its target accurately.

Skunk Habitat:

This wildlife usually chooses dark and quiet places to sleep during the daytime and moves out at night to search for food. They are scavengers and therefore, eat fruit, berries, rodents, insects, and pet food. The strong musk is expelled from their two scent glands that are located under the base of their tail. They are found in interior and southern tiers of Canada.

Skunk Control:

Skunks usually invade a home for food. Since they love to feed on fruits and worms, they never miss an opportunity to enter a home that is rich in food sources. Since they are notorious animals, only a planned Oakville wildlife removal program can help in controlling their population inside a property. Humane trapping can also be followed, but it doesn't guarantee worthy results. For effective services, call in 911 wildlife control professionals to permanently eliminate the skunks from a residence.

This was a brief guide about skunks and their habitat. 911 Wildlife Pros is a wildlife control Burlington company that offers professional cum humane solutions to remove and control skunk, squirrel and raccoon population in Burlington & Oakville.

© 2017 911wildlifepros

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Added on February 7, 2017
Last Updated on February 7, 2017
Tags: skunk removal, wildlife control, wildlife removal, burlington, oakville



Burlington, Ontario, Canada

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