The Understanding

The Understanding

A Poem by Arun Paul Kapur

Through someone else's hell and back, sometimes we have to experience even more hell so they reach nirvana.

They are laid trapped inside these walls
Unable to escape , they quiver in fear and despair.
Everything has come up against them, there seems to be no escape.
There only resolution is carry on going through hell, surely there is a white light at the end of the tunnel.
For anyone to actually reach the peak of success and joy once again, someone must act as the sacrificial lamb in order for the path to be built.
For if they are to achieve anything and get out of their own state of insanity, one must throw themselves forward.
We shall go to hell and back for them, and hell does not end for some.
The memories lay long inside us, forever til even after life.
Only can we as people try to help each other, but sometimes  a blind unconscious lust for wealth , greedily takes over anything which is good and virtuous.
We whom have been chosen as the lambs, are forgotten in the paths of the successful.
We are the one's who will take no credit, we are merely just rotting corpses, there is no more need for us anymore.
We are merely to be simply replaced, we can question and fight for justice, but sometimes is there any point?
Sometimes, just to see someone else get out of their own hell, is worth putting ourselves through such torture, even those above are in tremble.
Let me just build the bridge for thee, climb across quickly. It's too late for me, I was already gone soon as you crossed.

© 2012 Arun Paul Kapur

Author's Note

Arun Paul Kapur
Ignore grammar problems.

My Review

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A very intense and raw write! I love your mind as it is. A tad to the dark side of things, but amazing just the same. Is there a genre for this type of writing? This is not a poem, but a very amazing write and should be under the proper genre as many looking under poetry may be steered away by the length and never take the time to read the deep words that are written.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 26, 2012
Last Updated on June 26, 2012


Arun Paul Kapur
Arun Paul Kapur

Wolverhampton, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Intriguied by life's wonders and open minded to what the world has to offer. Very passionate about what I believe in and willing to always learn new stuff about life and generally everything. There is.. more..
