The Heart Shatters and the Earth Shakes

The Heart Shatters and the Earth Shakes

A Poem by Jim_F

A healing process of my broken heart.


The earth shakes. The foundation cracks,

One’s heart breaks and it feels as if nations fall.

Realization kicks in and the nations become continents

Sooner than you know it, the earth shatters and all speeding

progression comes to a crawl.

The power of lost love left untamed, abandoned, broken and

unchecked; left alone it only knows how to cause a grievous effect.

The heart cries on and on as the head eventually says

to heal and move forward.

At first it seems like an impossible task, especially when

there is no clear direction to move toward.

The only thing to do is to push on and fight for each step,

one after another.

Doing it alone you remember words from the past,

Don’t worry, this should be easy. We have each other!"

Yet you plow through and continue to pursue that thing that makes you, you.

With a little persistence, momentum soon follows and starts to creep up fast.

Still, no matter how hard you push and you strive,

the memories still linger and return from the past.

The longer time goes on the memories fade but are still in existence.

However, it’s the emotions that follow that are the pains that do not last

regardless of persistence.

The tremble of the earth has surrendered as the broken

heart becomes mended.

Self-progression has continued ever since the overwhelming

effects of lost love has been attended.

In a blink of an eye the earth is whole, the continents become clear

and the nations still stand tall.

A sparkle in the eye returns as the sun shines down to on this

extravagantly giant planet that, for a space in time,

once seemed so remarkably small.

© 2015 Jim_F

My Review

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Yes, and all of this is simply called living day by day. Either the days improve or something happens to shake them up. Valentine

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 31, 2015
Last Updated on March 31, 2015
Tags: love, broken heart



Bloomington, MN

As wise as the man standing tall on the sky rise. A smile. He doesn't fall, he flies. All of a sudden there's a stop, a crash, he dies......What a Twist...... (Hint to the general populous: You do.. more..
