A Man at the Edge of Abyss

A Man at the Edge of Abyss

A Poem by Abhigyan

A small tribute to the senior citizens of the world.


In the park’s serene evening time

Besides a man selling some lime

Was a man old by looks

Standing by a stall stand like a crook

No one caring not even daring

To speak or even to say hello

Not a person who was there

To give a dearly little bow.

This is the life of a person

A person dejected by his owns

As Shakespeare had once quoted

It is seventh stage after all

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans everything,

But I know that something can

Make ‘em if not happy but satisfied

A little respect for them is all

What they need to stand with a smile much wide.

Old people are like treasure long lost

Though they need a little more caring

They can help you and me in every way

If we do with them

A little more sharing.

© 2015 Abhigyan

Author's Note

If you want to do some good, do good to the old people of the world,

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Added on October 29, 2015
Last Updated on October 29, 2015
Tags: old, man, crook, person, happy, old people, lime




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