Superstition: Theory-Cards

Superstition: Theory-Cards

A Story by Abishai100

Two magical sports-card treasures comprise a museum-exhibition and draw writers and a sage to cast Western 'chess' for 'capitalism' romantics.

A vignette about sports-culture imagination inspired by Mr. Destiny (Michael Caine)!
DISCLAIMER: The sports-card(s) re-presented in this (fictional/dramatized) work of social/cultural expression are not presented for commercial intent and the images used herein comprise a work of private/creative art and are not tied to any formal/legal view or activity of the person(s)/bodies referenced (e.g., Randall Cunningham, the 'Strike-Force' football-card brand, US-state of Minnesota, etc.) and therefore are used for only/purely 'personal' direction. 

The two special pro-football spirits team-transfer 'Strike-Force' (Upper Deck) Randal Cunningham post-Eagles career sports-marked trade-card treasures, a double-replica set (the 'original' red-edition and the replica silver-edition) had become a special hallmark of the modern Western-world sportsmanship ideation of the ideations/chess-stalemate of competition-consciousness in social-media and sports-storytelling and were therefore part of a 'superstition' diagram for modern collectors (wow). After all, the QB depicted on the magical sports-trade card, Randall Cunningham, had become an iconic Philadelphia Eagles athlete-star and his late-career league-trade to the Minnesota Vikings represented pure Super Bowl visions/ambitions, since Cunningham had achieved much fan-cheer with the Eagles but didn't capture the Bowl trophy and sought a 'fresh' chance with a 'Viking' expression (ha).

It's why this magical 1999 'Strike-Force' replica-set would be cast in a special/iconic museum exhibit in Minnesota following the time of the Cunningham trade to the Viking-vision which would inspire the print/market of the (Upper Deck) sports-market card 'treasure' for modern fans/investors/athletes/cheerleaders (hmm). At the exhibit, the replica-set would be characterized as a magical 'trophy' for the 'chess-stalemate' ideations on the quality of Western-world human race expression of the 'quality' of creative competitiveness (or the 'social network'). At the museum, a special 'sage' of the media-industry, Victor, would make his presence known as a 'messenger' (on social-media!) of the intense value of the replica-set (Strike-Force) treasure-card(s).

VICTOR: I welcome/anticipate much pedestrian/scholarly fanfare/cheer for the Strike-Force set in the museum; I offer IQ!

Inside the museum (Minnesota), there had been much celebrated artworks and exhibitions over the years of its functioning/marketing, and this 'sports-card' treasure presentation was a social-media reflection of sportsmanship-dialogue surrounding capitalism-media values in the post-9/11 era of great human race expression of socialized drama (yes).

VICTOR: Fans/athletes can find copies/prints of the excellence-chess Strike-Force replica-set on eBay/elsewhere for art/IQ.

Well, Victor the media-industry 'sage' was indeed 'formally' approached by two very special fans of pro-football spirits cards/media, Amlan and Ajay Satan, twins from Algeria, now US-citizens and comic-book cyber-writers of sportsmanship-themed tales (e.g., Flash, Hulk, Ant-Man, Captain America); who wished to confer with this Western sports-treasure 'sage' (Victor) to offer a special cyber-story about the 'superstition' behind the replica-set and their 'double' value, perhaps for a celebration of story-themes seen in modern cinema casting ideas about human race expression of 'excellence' in competition/detection (wow).

AMLAN SATAN: Perhaps Victor knows a good deal about the Strike-Force replica-set symbolism of chess-sportsmanship for IQ.
AJAY SATAN: Yes; in fact, I 'wager' this media-sage (Victor) has some insight regarding the 'mystery' of cards for cinema-IQ!

VICTOR: Well, I assure you, this replica-set ('Strike-Force') of Cunningham-Viking team-transfer cards are not 'tarot' cards!
AMLAN/AJAY: Of course they aren't Victor man, but aren't they 'diadems' of sports-market 'wagers' in competition-metrics?
VICTOR: Sure; Randall Cunningham offered much for Eagles-fans and the late-career Viking-vision for title(s) was chess-IQ.
AMLAN/AJAY: Aren't these two cards, the (Upper Deck) replica-set, therefore 'trophies' of the sports-capitalism negotiation?
VICTOR: Sure; these days, athletes are traded left-right for higher salary/ads, but Cunningham arguably was a 'victory' man!
AMLAN/AJAY: That's why the replica-set is a double-dragon icon of Western-world human race chess-IQ for media/cinema, no?
VICTOR: Yes, you two brothers are correct (here); I'm tempted to compare the replica-set to Richie Rich comics-theme chess.
AMLAN/AJAY: Excellence; that's awesome Victor man; that's why we want to cast them in a comic-story about treasure-goals.
VICTOR: Cool...perhaps you'll use my idea about a 'cool' Richie Rich comics reference, eh?

Amlan and Ajay Satan were twins from Algeria who became cyber-comics writers in the United States with a certain interest in sportsmanship-oriented fantasy-storytelling and wanted to cast the 'excellence' of the 'Strike-Force' Cunningham-Viking team-transfer spirit Super Bowl ambition symbolism card treasures in perhaps a Captain America (Marvel Comics) fanfiction capturing modern social-media/traffic fascination with the 'quality' of capitalism-media for Western-world 'intelligence' for serious commercial market securities imagery in the post-9/11 age (wow).

AMLAN SATAN: Captain America foils the schemes of the terrorist Red-Skull seeking to steal the treasure from the museum!
AJAY SATAN: Yes...and this prompts some 'cool' consumer-traffic commentary regarding sports-commerce media journals.

VICTOR: I'm 'quite' proud of my two protege-prodigies (the Satans) in this commerce-hospitality chess for sports-treasure IQ.
AMLAN/AJAY: We're announcing the opening of our new 'sports-themed' mini-bistro in the Minnesota shopping-center/mall!

Amlan/Ajay gifted the media-sage (Victor) a nice crafted football-themed chess-set for his spiritual wisdom-guidance regarding their excellence in cyber-storytelling regarding the Strike-Force (Cunningham-QB) team-transfer spirits 'treasure' cards and then proceeded to craft more 'superstition' oriented tales online regarding the magic/mystery/myth/mania generated the replica-set.

AMLAN SATAN: I'll talk about the 'original' red-edition of the Strike-Force replica-set as the icon symbol of capitalism-chess.
AJAY SATAN: Alright; I'll address the silver-edition as a hallmark of competition-leverage oriented 'treasure' superstition!

Does sports/sportsmanship really generate these levels of great human race expression of the 'quality' of competition-class? Amlan/Ajay were moved by the media-sage (Victor) to believe so! In fact, they started to see some strange magic in their own lives once they purchased the replica-set ('Strike-Force') and began to wonder if the Cunningham-QB late-career team-transfer message-symbolic Viking-card treasure(s) cast some strange 'mystery' about the 'link' between competition...and hospitality!


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

© 2022 Abishai100

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Added on December 14, 2022
Last Updated on December 14, 2022
Tags: Fable, Modern




Student/Minister; Hobbies: Comic Books, Culinary Arts, Music; Religion: Catholic; Education: Dartmouth College more..
